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[+] Blogs
Merry Christmas! I hope you and your family have a lovely one.
Merry Christmas to you and your family!
She picked a beautiful tree. Merry Christmas.
Chosen with much love, I can tell.
Happy Christmas to the 101s!
It's a beautiful tree. Tree-let?
That looks like the perfect tree for the love of a little girl. Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas, Liz!
I love it.
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas darlin! To you and yours.
Merry merry to you and yours!
Hope you had a merry one!
That is a gorgeous tree!
Merry Christmas (one day late!)! Love your "Thalia-Sized" tree!
Sweet sweet.
Merry Christmas! Our tree was completely to the right, but it was full of love (like yours)
This reminds me of the Charlie Brown tree, but with more stems.
At least it's easier to take out ;)
Merry Christmas to all! Thanks so much for this blog.
Yeah...there's a lesson in there somewhere. Hope your holiday was bright and wonderful.
Merry Christmas. Looks like a perfect tree!
Happy Holidays to you and yours. And a great new 2009!
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