To-do list: Publish post, brush teeth, sleep for days.
I'm spent. Physically and emotionally. Just home from business trip #67848, which included a super-fabulous ALL-NIGHTER! Ah yes, the very glamorous world of advertising where sometimes the shoots start at 8pm and end at sun-up. There wasn't even a good craft service table, which is pretty much the only reason to work in production in the first place. We had to make do with some stale, melted and recongealed chocolate minis; a platter of soggy pb&j sandwiches on white; and a crockpot of lukewarm hotdogs floating in smelly old water. Good times. And did I eat all of it? Yes I did.
Let me just add, there's nothing quite as bad as making that walk of shame back to your hotel room in clothes from the night before, when you didn't even get lucky. The bellmen are tossing me wry smiles and knowing nods and I'm like, not even.
So now all I want to do is rebond with the baby and sleep on demand and have everyone around me love me and stroke my hair and tell me I'm pretty and feed me cheesecake. I'm days behind on blogs, let alone Sopranos, so please forgive me if I haven't been the dilligent reader/commenter/supporter I generally try to be.
Okay, now note the not-so-seamless transition about to follow here--I'd be the perfect local news producer, giving the anchors copy like, "...that totals forty-seven new casualties on this, a most brutal day in Iraq. And coming up next, the latest in rhinestone fashions for your pet!"

Please check out Cool Mom Picks. We ("we" meaning 5% me and 95% Kristen, the blogworld's human power station) have worked ridiculously hard at the redesign and it's finally up and running. And not too shabby if I do say so myself. If you haven't yet been there, CMP is a cheeky shopping blog for hip mamas (and a few confident-in-their-sexuality counterparts) with an emphasis on great design, mom-run businesses and causes we believe in. Plus it's got some kick-ass writing from some of the bloggers you already know and love.
Eh, what's one more site on your rss feed, right?
Mom-101 out.
Let me just add, there's nothing quite as bad as making that walk of shame back to your hotel room in clothes from the night before, when you didn't even get lucky. The bellmen are tossing me wry smiles and knowing nods and I'm like, not even.
So now all I want to do is rebond with the baby and sleep on demand and have everyone around me love me and stroke my hair and tell me I'm pretty and feed me cheesecake. I'm days behind on blogs, let alone Sopranos, so please forgive me if I haven't been the dilligent reader/commenter/supporter I generally try to be.
Okay, now note the not-so-seamless transition about to follow here--I'd be the perfect local news producer, giving the anchors copy like, "...that totals forty-seven new casualties on this, a most brutal day in Iraq. And coming up next, the latest in rhinestone fashions for your pet!"

Please check out Cool Mom Picks. We ("we" meaning 5% me and 95% Kristen, the blogworld's human power station) have worked ridiculously hard at the redesign and it's finally up and running. And not too shabby if I do say so myself. If you haven't yet been there, CMP is a cheeky shopping blog for hip mamas (and a few confident-in-their-sexuality counterparts) with an emphasis on great design, mom-run businesses and causes we believe in. Plus it's got some kick-ass writing from some of the bloggers you already know and love.
Eh, what's one more site on your rss feed, right?
Mom-101 out.
Love the new look at CMPs.
Get some rest, but save some cheesecake for me!
Peace out indeed. Sleep well.
Wow, I hadn;t seen the new site yet. It looks rockin.
I'm laughing, I'm crying, I'm feeling a little sick thinking about the floating hot dogs.
Hooray for new and improved Cool Mom Picks. Love.
LOL- i think i just choked on laughter spit. i heart you
Get some sleep.
And stop telling me about cool stuff and great writing.
I've become re-addicted to the Internet!
You're pretty. Have some cheesecake. See you in the morning
lmao "rhinestone fashions for your pet!" I watch the news for the feel good segments.
Love CMP's new look! I'm all over that tres cool button.
Glad you're done with that shooting monstrosity!
I'm off to check out Cool Picks.
Pretty, pretty mom (virtual hair stroke) pretty, pretty (forkful of virtual cheesecake offered) sssshhhh.... rest now....
Husband makes (producer/production manager) TV commercials: we *know* about the grunty, soul-sapping slog that is the shoot over here chez Bad Mother. Feeling for you.
New CMP button already up!
Welcome home. Give that baby like 174,903,098 kisses and take a nap!
May the sleep soon be with you. And while you're sleeping, I'm sneaking over to steal the cheesecake. Your pain is my gain! Ha! Blame my dad for making THE BEST CHEESECAKE KNOWN TO MAN!!! And if you're interested, I'll share the recipe. I'm all about spreading the looooove.
"a crockpot of lukewarm hotdogs floating in smelly old water"
C-r-a-c-k-i-n-g up. I just got invited to an "all nighter" at the printer's the other night and felt that I must to decline.
Glad you're back in the fold. Hope your cheesecake dreams and sleep wishes come true...
Gosh, I am LOVING the Cool Picks... great job!
You must sleep so you can then get caught up on Soprano's... priorities, girl!
Mmm, soggy pb&j. Who knew that generic, non-artisinal white bread was even allowed in LA? Must have been imported.
Ha, nonlinear girl see you are RIGHT! We were not in LA but in Florida. LA craft service would have included sushi handrolls, a selection of organic nut butters, and made to order smoothies. *sigh*
And Andrea, spread the love! Spread! Spread!
Rest up, bond with your girlchild. And please, for the love of all that is holy, have some decent food. No more floating hotdog crap.
CMP is looking awesome. I am so proud, privileged, and pleased to be a part of it.
I don't know how you do it! I'm drained and exhausted from working every day and commuting 90 minutes each way while trying to be a good Daddy. Having to travel? Pulling all nighters? Don't think I could handle it. More power to you and you can have any extra energy I might have.
We love you. You're pretty. Get your own damn cheesecake!
Just kidding, momma. Glad you're back safely. Get some rest and have a great weekend!
Okay, the recipe's up over at my blog. If anyone does make it, I hope you enjoy. Lord knows a good portion of my excess poundage is attributed to this one dessert.
I realize it doesn't make for riveting reading, but your taste buds will be in heaven, I kid you not.
This is scary, but if you read my post from Tuesday you'll see that we are living eerily parallel lives.
Minus the hotdogs floating in nasty water. I cooked mine in the microwave.
(Good job on CMP!)
I don't think it's working. Let me just check. Yep. Your post is broken. I'm still envious of your super cool career. ;?)
They don't call Florida the redneck riviera for nothing.
Were you in Florida? My God, if you were you should have told me. I woulda loaded up the badass momvan with some real food (not cooked by me, of course) and delivered it myself.
And yes, CMP, she is lovely!
Chill, sleep, get your hair stroked :)
welcome home mama...
here... cyber cheesecake... eat eat eat...
pretty pretty momma....
will check out CMP
I would send you some cheesecake if I could. :)
Sleep... And eat cheesecake and yes, you're pretty. So very pretty. :-)
Mmmmm.... Cheesecake. I love me some cheesecake! Hope you got some rest!
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