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like i have time to be reading all this:

I Put Some Sentences Together in These Books
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Lucky you! Prague is a beautiful city. Glad you made it and my husband did not. His trip to Germany was cancelled so I am able to fully recover (for further explanation see my comment on your last post!!) Although when he does finally make the trip next month I am sure I will be struck down with another deadly virus and be brought to my knees! The joys of dealing with toddlers in preschool!
You made it!! Have a blast!
I was wondering how the volcanic ash would fare for you. Enjoy your trip!
Oh my goodness, I am glittery purple with envy. (Channeling my five-year-old daughter there, and green is way too understated, anyway.) Prague is a phenomenal city and I've been away from it for far, far too long. Have a wonderful time, and just stay away from those nasty volcanic ash clouds!
Yay! Have fun!
I turned 21 in Prague. Hazy memories. Good memories. Just hazy. Glad you got there.
Check out the Jewish quarter. I hear it's awesomely old and full of historic wonderment. Enjoy being away. And look forward to coming home!
I was cracking up at your last post...glad to you broke the curse! Have a great trip :)
yay! good news.
Glad you made it. Welcome to the time zone!
wow, glad you made it, with ash fall and all.
The sex museum is pretty damn interesting. And of course the Jewish quarter is important to see as well.
And here I was all set to show up at that volcano (by boat, of course) with a "Free Liz!" sign.
The European air does something fancy to your complexion. You look great in that photo. I think you should convince those who paid to send you there that they need to send you on European trips more often for health purposes. It will improve your productivity!
Yay you made it! Enjoy Prgaue and well done on breaking the curse!!!
Oh wow! One of my favorite cities! That bridge... ahhhhhh. And the castle (do your girls know there's a castle involved?
Hoping you are having an excellent adventure.
jetlagged perhaps, but great hair. and frankly, scarlett, that's all that matters.
Wheee! Bring on the memories!
oooh i love prague. glad you finally got there! The hipstamatic, in this particular instance, kind of makes it look like there really is quite a volcano-ash problem there.
Wave hi to my fam just over the German border.
Prague is one of the most beautiful cities in the world! Hope your time there was enjoyable. If you want to see the latest cities we're featuring on Voyage TV, be sure to check out the site :) http://www.voyage.tv/home.html
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