
We gave up cell phone reception for the week, but got this instead

I'd say it's a pretty fair trade.



Blogger Liz@thisfullhouse said...

Yep, a totally frame-worthy moment!!!

8/31/10, 9:47 AM  
Blogger moosh in indy. said...

there's so much right with that picture the only thing wrong is I'M NOT THERE.

8/31/10, 9:47 AM  
Blogger Truthful Mommy said...

Love that, totally a framed memory!SO glad you got to have that with your loved ones.Happy Mothering!

8/31/10, 9:51 AM  
Blogger Magpie said...

Beautiful. Did you catch anything?

8/31/10, 10:40 AM  
Blogger Issa said...

Worth it's weight in gold. Love that photo.

Have a blast.

8/31/10, 12:18 PM  
Blogger Susan W said...

Best trade off ever - hope you can enjoy every moment!

8/31/10, 1:49 PM  
Anonymous Unplanned Cooking said...

Beautiful. We went up to the cabin last week and found it refreshing having limited access to technology.

8/31/10, 2:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is stunning.

8/31/10, 8:04 PM  
Anonymous AmyeToTheRescue! said...

WOW! Stunning and looks like Utopia to me... Good trade.

9/1/10, 12:41 AM  
Blogger Cate Brickell said...

fair swap!

9/1/10, 2:52 AM  
Anonymous Kami said...

Twice this summer we went for week long vacations in places that had no internet or cell reception. And though I still feel a bit disconnected from my online world, I must say it was a hugely reprioritizing. If that is in fact a word...love the photo. It's the perfect symbol for IRL.

9/1/10, 6:44 AM  
Anonymous 6512 and growing said...

So worthy.

9/1/10, 8:13 AM  
Anonymous Meagan Francis said...

Totally. And I bet it only took you 48 hours or so to stop twitching, right?

9/1/10, 11:57 AM  
Anonymous Amy said...

That's totally worth being disconnected from the world. I know that when we took our summer vacation this year, we were in a spot for only one day where there was no cell phone reception. It was liberating.

9/1/10, 8:46 PM  

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