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Look. I'm On The Twitter.
like i have time to be reading all this:

I Put Some Sentences Together in These Books
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LMAO "Oh and..." Teehee!
hee hee hee! That's good.
*snort* I love it.
I've heard that about that "Mom101" person. She's getting around quickly in the genius community.
Pretty sneaky, sis.
Big snort and I am SO stealing this!
Too freaking funny.
MOM-101, you're cracking my shit UP!
And I'm sure that your boobs are nicer than nice because Albert doesn't say that about just any girl!
If you have a chance, check out the one I made and posted on my blog. Your Blog Meanies post was the inspiration for it.
It took me a minute to realize you were referring to the Baby Einstein DVDs. And I'm sure your boobs are lovely :)
Oh, with the laughing!
How often do you get to plug your boobies on your blog. Not often enough, I say. Bravo!
funny momma!
i must link this on my blog
That is so funny! I gotta check that out!
the man has good taste in boobies. all hail the baby-crack that is baby einstein tho'.;-)
that shit allowed me to do things like shower, and use the bathroom when my boyo was an immobile eating machine. of course, *now* he is a freaking genius.
Wow, nice enough for Einstein to notice. Sweet. I would steal this if I could think of something funny enough to put on it. Oh, and I completely agree with the brilliant guy about the whole kid/puppet/not being him thing.
LOVE this. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this!
If my hubby saw your blog, he'd love you to and tell you to leave your hubby and run away with him. And if that happened, I'd have to say, "Yeah, well. She IS pretty cool. I can't blame ya there!"
ha mom101, next thing you know you'll be picketing Wal-Mart with me and reading adbusters!
dutch, what makes you think I don't already?
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