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I Put Some Sentences Together in These Books
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I hope someone washed it first.
Very articulate.
You should be proud she was at least wearing underwear at all.
And Papa's wearing mine. So there!
LOL! Better than saying, "I'm Thalia and this is Sage. She just pooped in my underwear."
Full disclosure. I love it!
Ha! Mommy's is too see-through.
That reminds me of this horrible joke my dad used to tell me. Over and over and over...
The German army was on it's seventh straight day without showering, living in muck and filth when the commander announced (in a terrible German accent):
"Listen up, men. I have some good news und bad news. Zee good news ezz today vee change underwear!"
The men cheered.
"Zee bad news: Hans change with Fritz, Fritz change with Claus..."
(You're welcome.)
Sounds like something my 3-year-old will say to my 1-year-old in a couple of years.
Your husband should have followed this with "And I'm wearing my wife's."
It's good, very good, to know that my four-year-old isn't the only one who tells strangers waaayyy more than they want to know. LOL.
I want to know what the diners said back!
We had dinner with some new friends this weekend. When we walked in the door, my five year old daughter said "Hi, I'm EB. I've lost four teeth." Not to be outdone, my three year old son IMMEDIATELY introduced himself, too: "Hi, I'm Main Man. Last night I tee-teed in my pants at the movie theater."
Alas, both statements were true.
This is why we only go out to eat at Korean restaurants where no one speaks English and where my boys don't speak Korean.
FYI it doesn't stop at six. The hilariously inappropriate descriptions of fact just get more detailed and dramatic. Like this morning, when my son informed me (and probably the neighbors), in a loud, professorial tone, "I am trying to remove a coin that I accidentally put down my pants."
Next year I'll let you know whether it stops at seven. I'm not holding my breath . . .
Randomness = Hilarity! That's a very brilliant kid. :)
And this is why we told my girls I hurt my leg and not the much bandied about v-word.
lol - so funny!
My niece to my (overweight) father : 'uncle, when you look in the mirror don't you see what a fat head you have'
That's why kids are so fantastic, they don't care...I love that.
I so love the innocence.
That just made me laugh out loud!
Does anyone know why boys underwear costs twice as much as girls. I bought a 6 pack of girls for $5 and had to pay $5 apiece for 2 packs of 3 boys.
I'm with Julie. It's a strange relief to know that my toddler isn't the only one who tells complete strangers about her underwear.
My 5-year-old likes to tell everyone about her little brother's penis. Fun times, fun times.
Why WAS Sage wearing Thalia's underwear? #justcurious
Whew. I thought my 5yo overshared with total strangers. I feel better now. And I'm giggling like mad.
Too funny! I love that you're documenting it as well. It will be great for the future to remember all of their little sayings!
I always think it's hilarious what stuff sticks in a kid's head. Out of everything she could've chosen to say about her sister, why that? So funny.
At least you know that sharing isn't a big issue right now.
This reminds me of the random verbage of my former first grade students...too damn funny...
I love that little kids can't edit.
I can't wait til the days when my boys can make me laugh like that...for now, "eat" and "love" will do...
My five year old and I have started having to talk about what is appropriate to tell people outside of the family. His innocence is sweet, but his full disclosure about anything involving our family is scary. I always wonder what in the world he tells people at school or church when I'm not within earshot.
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