Sappy, Vomitous Lurve Fest 2006. Bring Emetrol.

Eat it, naysayers.

First: The Perfect Post Award of the month goes to Staci Schoff's remarkable essay about teaching kids to tolerate diversity where there is none to be found. It's elegant and compelling, and if I had come across it in Brain, Child (hint hint, Staci) as opposed to her blog, Mommy With an Attitude, I wouldn't have been surprised at all.
But, wait! as they say in adland, There's more! There are two other posts that really stuck with me this month and I'd be remiss if I didn't share them. First, Sunshine Scribe's heartwrenching essay, Wishing it Were Flashback Friday, about the mean girls who grow up to be mean moms, only to pop up in the places you least expect them. She always writes deliciously but this one is so personal, it really resonates.

Self-proclaimed overeducated stay-at-home moms, I salute you.
Other link lurve. Just because I never do this and, well...just because.
*Hally, yes that Hally is chronicling her most inspiring life these days on her very own blog. She's detailing her adventures in Tanzania after having moved her toddler twins there for two years. Did I mention she's a single mom? And a great writer? And saves the world for a living? And that her friends and family seem to be physically unable to post comments on her blog? Show her the lurve, friends.

*Go watch the funniest, strangest YouTube piece I've seen in a while, courtesy of Stephanie at Pickleness. Even Nate forwarded it to friends, and that's saying something.
*If you haven't been to Cool Mom Picks lately, you're dead to me. Dead. But if you can still hear me from the afterlife, go now and redeem yourself. While you're there, sign up for our newsletter. It's like one measly mailing a month. Twelve a year. You get more Nigerian con artist emails that in an hour and they're not going to point you towards cool music picks for kids, stylin' baby duds, and jewelry made by stay-at-home moms that should be for sale in Barney's at six times the price.
And you know how I love the stay-at-home moms.
Finally, a gracious thank you to the Divine Ms Lady M for awarding a Perfect Post award to my retelling of my first real CompetiMommy experience. Considering how many fantastic pieces were written this past month, I really am flattered.
not the pickle video again! stephanie is going to love you for this! LMFAO
dude.. have i been living under a fucking rock or what? going to cool mom picks now.
maybe then i'll be undead to you. cause i love when that happens
First let me congratulate you on your Perfect Post award. That was a great piece. And have you seen Linda Hirschman's recent response to the response she received throughout blogland? Ughhhh. It's hurl-worthy, indeed.
Congratulations on your perfect post award! yay! I just went over and read Staci Schoff's essay on tolerance. It was definitely a good read. Thanks for pointing me in her direction.
Congrats on another perfect post Liz, well deserved. And I am so thrilled you pointed me in Staci's direction, her essay really ressonates with me. And *blush* thanks for the very sweet mention of my mean mom ramblings - you are so generous and that is a wonderful compliment - especially from YOU. Merci :)
Holy cow! Thanks.
I'm totally astounded/humbled/stoked.
(I feel like Heidi Klum just called me pretty!)
My list of "Must Reads" just got longer! Thanks for the links! :)
You know, I really love posts like this. There are so many talented writers out there that I wouldn't know about where it not for these posts.
Thank you!
Thanks for the link- you're too kind!
And I'm just about to rise from the dead, as I must admit, it has been a while since I've been to Cool Mom Picks. But I'm going. Now.
I read quite a few of those posts. They were wonderful. Thanks for pointing me in their direction.
Thanks for linking the posts. Never would have read some of them otherwise.
By the way, have a great weekend. Tell Nate that I said,
"GO METS!!!"
you are on a roll! isn't this, like, three months in a *row* with a "perfect post" award? (oh, wait, you had *two* last month, right?) holy moly... you must be running out of wall space! all i can say is "KUDOS"! for surely you deserve this nod for another post written to perfection! (i know, stop calling you shirley)
so, how do you *really* feel about stay-at-home moms? xox
I guess I have a lot of new reading to do! thanks...
Just watched the pickle video. My girls and I had our jaws on the floor. Was she for real? Makes our problems seem tiny in comparison.
Thanks for the heads up on some great reads. And congrats on a "perfect post".
My "to read" list definitely just got longer.
Thanks for sending folks my way - I truly appreciate it! I loves me some mama-bloggermunity insight.
Thanks! And congrats on your pefect post too!
Oh and I never sent this to Brain/Child, but I did get a very very very nice rejection letter from them once on another piece. ;)
Thanks for all the links - I'm really enjoying find new (to me) writers.
After responding to your very funny post about CompetiMommies, it occured to me that I really ought to be thanking my lucky stars that I know some SupportiMommies too. So that was tonight's post. Hopefully, I haven't jinxed the whole thing by talking about it. ;)
Brilliant synopsis. Thanks for participating. :)
And congratulations on your Perfect Post Award. I'm thinking we might need to rename it the Mom 101 Perfect Post Award! ;)
I am totally going to check out Hally's blog.
And I'm so glad that you singled out Sunshine Scribe, among the other wonderful bloggers. That post of hers was the inspiration for me to insist upon a Toronto mama-blogger get-together, and it was wonderful that we made it happen. So she deserves BIGGEST props.
your competi-mommy post was impactful for me to the point that I referred to a woman, with whom we had an "encounter" this a.m. at the loke Babies R Insanity, as a CompetiMommy (should I put a TM or an R after that?). so, yeah. good writes (said in the same manner as "good eats"). absolutely deserving of (at least) an award or two. :p
p.s. thanks for your kind words over at my place. I appreciate it. :) (even though I'm pretty sure you, and all others who have commented on that post, are big, fat liars. b/c I can't believe compliments. for some insecure effing reason. I'm still grateful, lies or not. they're such pretty, pretty lies, after all.)
Will check out all the links!
Yeah I can't believe I'm now a SAHM!
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