So many links, so little time
There's that old adage about those who can, do; and those who can't, teach. Which sucks. I hate that adage. It makes me mad. But that's not my point. It's just a wordy, roundabout (surprising for me, I know) way of saying that those who can, blog; and those who are planning a little family gathering-turned-oh shit everyone I know is coming birthday party on
*If you do not read Sam at Problem Child Bride, this post alone should convert you. I'm only worried that once you go there, my blog will seem very, very unfunny. Then again, that's what Nate says every day and he has never read Sam, so who knows.
*This amazing post at 8 Hours takes about 60 seconds to devour, but stays with you for hours. Sort of like reverse Chinese food.
*Kevin met a bear. I hope I didn't just give away the ending.
*Dutch at Sweet Juniper has put together the most unbelievably comprehensive list of toddler-appropriate material available on youtube as an alternative to the boobtube. I wish he'd get it into its own website so we could plug it on Cool Mom Picks.
*A very nice lady who does cool stuff like adopt children also takes the time to acknowledge a blogger she likes every week. And I'm not just saying so because she picked me this time. I got to do a little interview and everything. So official with her fancy logo!
May the force be with you.
(I'm thinking of bringing that back. What do you think? That or nanu-nanu.)
*If you do not read Sam at Problem Child Bride, this post alone should convert you. I'm only worried that once you go there, my blog will seem very, very unfunny. Then again, that's what Nate says every day and he has never read Sam, so who knows.
*This amazing post at 8 Hours takes about 60 seconds to devour, but stays with you for hours. Sort of like reverse Chinese food.
*Kevin met a bear. I hope I didn't just give away the ending.
*Dutch at Sweet Juniper has put together the most unbelievably comprehensive list of toddler-appropriate material available on youtube as an alternative to the boobtube. I wish he'd get it into its own website so we could plug it on Cool Mom Picks.

May the force be with you.
(I'm thinking of bringing that back. What do you think? That or nanu-nanu.)
Just checking you out as I'm a mommy blogger too. Now excuse me while I read through some archives.
My vote is for nanu-nanu!
I agree- Dutch was all over the cool list of youtube gems. Dutch is the coolest and I'm so embarrassed that I had been reading for a good month before I realized D is a man. I'm lame.
I owe you and K some cool dad picks. Is that offer still open?
I agree. Bring the nanu nanu back. You have the power apparently - interviews and shit? Sheesh!
Just not Pam Dawber's hair-do. :)
Nanu nanu is entirely too classic to pass up
The Rushmore CD will fool 'em every time!
Good luck with the party! Will you post a picture of Thalia eating birthday cake next week? Prettty please.
I had to laugh when you said I do "cool things like adopt children." You are a riot! :)
Thanks for linking me on this most recent post.
Golly. Thank-you for that! I am ill today - there is a pestilence on the Problem household and therefore anybody you send my way is advised to cover their mouths with an anti-viral tissue and/or wear a hazmat suit (available in the entrance lobby).
Nanu-nanu, without question. I hear they're making a Mork and Mindy film. Or did I just make that up? No - I'm sure I read that somewhere recently.
Hey, checking out your blog for the first time and seeping through the archives to find some more posts dealing with Nate's predicament (as I am a stay-at-home-dad blogger, constantly traveling (rather 'moving around') the planet with kid and kaboodle. Cheers and congrats to the trophy!
Best of Luck with the birthday party this weekend!
I'll be sure to check out some of those links...
Thanks for the blog recommendations. You always have impeccable taste. I love all the ones that mention on the site. Thanks!
Yes...bring back Nanu-Nanu! And the handshake.
Is there really any question? Nanu Nanu. And the handshake. And the suspenders.
no force please. it reminds me of work
Good luck with the party. heading off to check out the links now.
I really want to weigh in (ok, fine: nanu-nanu, tyvm) and discuss the wonderful links you provided (but see? I came back and think you are so ab fab and FU-NNY) but I just have to second your disgust at the "Those who can do..." crap line.
For obvious reasons...
haha are you bringing back "May the Force be With You" or "Nanu Nanu?" hahaha!
Great links girl!
Oh my god. Your daughter is so cute...So cute!
I like "mork calling orsen, come in orsen" personally, but that's just me.
Okay, thanks for the links and good luck with that party!!!
Still weeping from your Birthday post for Thalia...
And sending excellent 1st-Birthday Karma your way...
Nanu-nanu is my personal fave :)
Well, now I have to go check those blogs...
My vote? "Nanu nanu" complete with suspenders.
Thanks for the reads!
I will now go to the other sites...
But I so enjoy reading you...
Will now travel through the internet on your journeys that you have recommended...
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