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I'm... sorry?
And did he extinguish his cigarette on his tongue as his magic trick for you? Danny Bonaduce definitely tops all prego sex dreams I've heard before.
Oh, I am due two days before you and I am having these every night. Up until last night, they have all featured my husband. Last night though, it was Jim from The Office.
Wow. That's rough. Maybe one of the worse pregnancy side effects I've ever heard of.
Yeah, but with a sexy cut-off shirt like that, who could resist?...
EEEEEEEEWWWWWWWW... Damn those hormones.
I had a threesome the other night. Two hot guys and me. Go figure. I don't have the heart to tell the hubby about it, since he can't figure out why morning sickness hits me at night, too. Poor guy.
Not the Dooch! Oh man, I met in L.A. once. He is a truly weird dude. I wouldn't put that whole injecting steroids thing past him.
Well, at least he's a doctor. That'll play well with the parents when you bring him home.
gross gross gross. what are you going to do when you run into him in LA?!?! LOL
ps- it's MUCH better and way hotter when you dream about making out with meeeeeeeeee
I'm feeling sympathetic nausea for you now. Oy.
Oh my. I'm speechless.
Granted, I'm not the target audience for Bonaduce sex, but I'd consider psychiatric care after that dream.
Croutonboy - TaShoDa(UsSo)Mo dropout
I'm not sure what's scarier -- my post today - or this.
Particularly the crop top.
Eew, eew, eeewwwww.
I second the EEEEWWWW! If David Cassidy or Susan Dey crop up in your dreams in the next few days, maybe you're just channeling The Partridge Family!
It could have been worse.
Right, guys? .... right?
*a lone tumbleweed rolls by*
Did anyone see him get murdered on CSI a few weeks ago? It was the best acting I've ever seen him do.
Danny Partridge! EWWWWW!
what woman can resist a crop top like that? it takes a real man to feel secure in such a garment. and a redhead, of course.
You are a brave, brave woman to admit these things.
Was there no one else around in your dream to have sex with? If so, I can understand your desperation. You have to have sex with someone after all.
Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! Those pregnancy hormones are making you crazy lady. Maybe there was no one else around in your dream? You have to have sex with someone after all!
Ummmm......weeeeellll........hmmmmmmm.......Sorry, no words for this one!
Nice halvsie shirt, Danny. I used to dream about Bill Clinton...
Pregnancy dreams are hilarious...
My Pregnancy Sex Dream Guest Star with Julia was Danny DeVito.
Yeah. Hott.
Whoa....that's kind of...odd. But it was a dream, so at least you had no control over it.
I've always found David Cassidy to be hot. I'm weird like that.
Eek! Whenever someone like that enters into my scary pregnancy sex dreams, I feel so dirty when I wake up. I know that's stupid - I mean, it's not like I had any choice. But still, can't shake that feeling of shame.
Words cannot describe the look on my face right now. That might be worse than the sciatic nerve issues I had during my pregnancy.
Ewwwww, girl you really need to watch some TV with hot guys before you go to bed. The steriod injection is probably right on for him.
Whoa...just whoa. Say what you will about Danny, but I'm actually more creeped out by the steroids part.
I am so, so sorry. Hope the next one is better!
Um. To me, that would be a nightmare, not merely a dream.
Of the two injections Danny Bonaduce gave you last night, I'd have to say I'd be more scared of the first one.
*twitch twitch*
At least he wasn't half bad. But I have to sha I am shuddering over here.
i'll match the 'ewwww' and raise you an 'ugh.' WTH? is this normal? i'm so sorry! well, unless you had fun, then hey, whatever floats your boat.
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I bet he DID inject you, girrrrrrrl.
P.S. Your sex-slave works out at my gym. You should see him do his squats in the stretch room. So hot.
(P.S. That was me above.)
That is just WRONG. I cannot stand him, but yet, I cannot stop watching that friggin' show.
Was he wearing the stethoscope in your dream? And the middy T-shirt?
(I'm mildly jealous of heather, who dreamed about Jim from The Office.)
Oh, my! Did you have some pet names for him that you wispered in his ear? Like..."Come here, you little Duce! Show Mama that little Bon-Bon!!"
Was it little? Maybe I'm just assuming!
OH. You poor thing. Was he wearing that half-shirt too?
Ooooh, that's bad.
It's the weirdest thing - I'm not even preggy and in the last couple of months I have woken up mid-sex-dream AND MID-ORGASM!!! It's like a girl-version of a wet dream or something. You'd think I was 13...
oh, gross.
Okay, from now on, you are only allowed to watch Grey's Anatomy on Thursday nights. Got it? Let's work hard for a little McDreamy action, okay?
Eeeek! WIth having dreams about dudes like that? That would be enough birth control for like 5 years!
You were laughing your ASS OFF when you found that picture and uploaded it, weren't you?
Made the dream all worthwhile, dinnit?
He's funny that way...with the steroids and all. Be glad he didn't try to sing, "I Think I Love You" to your belly.
Classic. I just caught a rerun of the Partridge Family last night. You didn't by chance catch the same show?
Oh boy. Well, I'd say that would be more of a nightmare than a dream!
I only hope he was wearing that shirt when it happened. Because that is H-O-T. And I guess he listened to the baby's heartbeat afterward with that stethoscope.
Was Gretchen there too? :)
um, whoa. the stuff of nightmares, at least for me. although if he'd keep his mouth shut his abs are rather nice.
i'm thinkin' you watched one episode too many of CSI. xox
Is it true that the ucky ones are better in bed, because they feel like they have to try harder?
And that's a flattering photo of him. Seriously.
I think I love you but what am i so afraid of i'm afraid that I'm not sure of of a love there is no cure for....i think I love you...
Oh sorry, got lost in a partridge family time warp there...
Holy crap!
And I thought my sex dream about Borat was bad.
Oh no! But I must say, unfortunately I think I've had worse... (maybe even in real life)
Oh lawd. Hormones. (His body's not half bad on the outside. The inside is probably black and tarry, though.)
Why am I incessantly on the opposite side of the fence as the rest of the blogosphere? I must be the only one who thinks Bonaduce is sexy. He got a show on Sirius Satellite Radio and I'm all atwitter with anticipation. Come on, you half shirted medicine man--give me the cure! No, this is not a joke.
Oh my heavens.
I will be anonymous today due to my 6 week pregnant status confession. (You sorta know me from the online world.)
I had an intense sex dream last week about Alec Baldwin. Some might think 30 Rock. Some might think SNL. Some, with toddler boys, might think of the voice that narrates Thomas the Tank videos.
Anyhow, I woke up, and thought of you. Is that weirder than thinking of Alec Baldwin?
If you ever dream of Josh Holloway from 'Lost'....
details, details, details!
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