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like i have time to be reading all this:

I Put Some Sentences Together in These Books
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Hmm... Is it me or is this kid all over the place? :)
How about Hair today; goon tomorrow (as in Little Bunny Jason)?
I hate this so much. (not the blog, the bieber)
With one tweet this kid manages to defile #maplesyrup. A disgrace to #Vermont. #stoptalking #goaway
I'm so tempted to make a joke, but my daughter would kill me. Actually, my son might as well. Justin's got that androgynous thing going.
makeitstop makeitstop makeitstop!!
UGH. Why me!!!! My daughter cannot wait to get her hands on one of those stupid dolls!
The only thing I can think of is "WHO THE HELL IS JUSTIN BIEBER??" Help?
Please decapitate us?
At least we don't sing.
One more stupid doll.
My real hairs plastic too.
I think I'll stop now. Snort. My girls like him. They preface it every single time with, but only sorta mommy. Uh huh.
Made of plastic, this one is sure to last longer than the real deal.
Anatomically Correct.
Puberty not included.
Can I just say that I thank God that both my teen and tween girls don't love Justin. I am so blessed.
From my daughter- "He's a doll!" You can add any emotion to that statement you like.
"The doll has snap-on hair too!"
I.do.not.understand.Biebermania. Thank God my kids are too young to even know his name.
Be a belieber lol
"It's 'Bieber' not 'Beaver'. And yes, my parents are still nit-wits at names."
Oh my gosh! We were listening to the radio a few months ago and the guy was talking about winning a trip to a Justin Bieber concert and EVERY single time they said "Justin Bieber" my four year old was laughing in the back seat hysterically like it was the funniest words he'd ever heard. Now whenever I need to get him to smile I say "Hey Ethan.. Justin Bieber" and it works every time. I kid you not. It's the funniest thing I've ever seen and I have no idea why he thinks it's so funny. LOL
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