My Favorite Fruit, Apple

Thank you. Thank you thank you thank you, a million times over for your amazing isight webcam. For less than the cost of a Jet Blue ticket to the coast, I was able to spend an entire half hour with my little girl when I woke up this morning.
Thank you for allowing me see her rub her eyes, as a reminder that her dad kept her up past her morning naptime just for me. Thank you for allowing me to watch her clap, even though she still isn't mastering the whole palms-coming-together aspect of clapping. Thank you for letting me hear just one little aiiieeeeeeee. Thank you for letting me see her model her new Yankees shirt and her new Yankees onesie and her new Yankees hat. And along the same vein, thank you for giving me a heads up about the state of my forthcoming Amex bill.
Also thank you for letting me catch a glimpse of my English Bulldog, Emily, who I have yet to introduce to the blogworld, which is probably why she's taken to peeing on the bathroom floor every night as of late. And of course, thank you for giving me a few moments with my partner Nate, even if all he really wanted to do was see my boobs.
If you ever need a not too horrible-looking middle-aged woman with a post-partum belly roll and flabby triceps but pretty good calves to be your spokesperson in your next TV commercial, just say the word. I will work for scale and promise not to bogart the MnMs at the craft service table.
Yours truly,

P.S. I almost forgot to thank you for my first celebrity sighting in L.A. It was a pleasure watching former NBA star and itunes artist Wayman Tisdale performing songs from his new album, Hang Time, yesterday in your Beverly Center store. It made me glad I had reapplied lipstick in my car before entering the mall.
..::happy sigh::..
Praise to the toys of modern life for helping us be nearer to those close to our hearts even when they are far from our bodies....
('re dog is named Emily?....what a BEAUTIFUL name!!!)
Ooh, where do I get me one? Is this something that would placate grandparents living 500 miles away? So I guess I should ask ... where do my PARENTS buy one, since I certainly can't afford it.
I can't wait to "meet" the pup!
I love Apple.
I will buy anything if Steve Jobs tells me to.
Aw. Technology is so great...
Speaking of Apple, did you hear about all the craziness between the Beatles and Apple...
Thank heaven for leetle girls and zee technology with which to capture their sweet selves. What a cutie!
Aw, man, it looks like you have a fancy-Dan camera. You do, don't you? Well, hell. Am I the only human in the blogosphere who uses a Kodak?
Thalia looked keeeeee-yuuute!
what a gorgeous, gorgeous pic. am now off to polish my ovaries...
Viola! Your next advertising campaign. Too cute.
Oh no, Yankees?
Jason promised to marry in a Catholic Church as long as
"I Carolyn promised to adopt his hatred for the Yankess and share his love with the Mets."
I'm sorry you're away from your family right now, that camera sounds awesome.
Gotta love those Apple products! Their stuff is awesome.
Okay, you almost lost me with all the Yankees stuff but you redeemed yourself by sharing the fact that you have an English Bulldog.
When you're done in the Collagen Capital you'll have to share some pictures of Emily with us.
ahhh the wonders of technology!
Such an eloquent letter... I say Apple would be stupid not to snatch you up as their spokesperson.
Isn't modern technology wonderful? Although if I had one and my husband wasa away, he'd want me flashing him all over the place! Can you say mommy porn?
Say it ain't so, Mom-101! You have a household comprised of not only Redskins fans but also Yankee fans? Egads! And you have an English?
Good thing you're a great writer and crack my shit up!
We have one of the cameras, too. Mrs. Fortune, it is great from a grandparents' perspective. And definitely wonderful for traveling moms.
Hey, Mom101, we can be real geeks and do a video chat! ;-)
Totally awesome. You could do a VISA commercial.
awwww Apples rock eh? I am glad you had the opportunity to spend some quality time with your family!!
We love our MAC too and the camera. apple is our fruit of choice too. If only my parents would just step up to the plate and get into technology.
Thalia is super adorable! I might show her picture to Aiden and see how he reacts, sounds like they are around the same age (and yes, that is a picture of him on my header).
Very the technology.
Apples rule my world too. Once you try Mac ... you'll never go back.
We too have been bitten by the APPLE! Fabulous technology. That photo is a framer of the two of you in two different states. If Nate had just jumped in you could've made it your Christmas card for 2006!!
Webcams totally rock. And that Thalia is one cute chick, I want to squeeze those cheeks!
Glad you got to see your baby. I love apple. My favorite fruit too.
You would be a fine spokesperson for Apple. And don't forget we've seen your picture now, so don't try and throw us off with this 'flabby triceps' business.
I just got a new iMac that has an inSight camera.
Problem is, one of my clients has found out and is insisting we do a video chat - I've worked with this guy for 3 years and we've never met.
So much for working in my pajamas...
awww. I'm glad you get to keep in touch with your baby like that while you're away. The wonders of technology.
You forgot to thank your fabulous (too well traveled for a typcial mom)friend who told you that you absolutely MUST get a webcam so you can stay in touch with your girlwonder!
Yay for Apple!
And? Can I place a vote for introducing Emily to the blog world? Can I cast two votes? What if I ask nicely?
Have always wanted an English Bulldog, who I would name Maggie. But will be marginally satisfied to live that dream vicariously through you...
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